Testemunhos ~ Testimonials
Lotte Kauffman
Awakened Life Families Project
"In the winter of 2016 I was pregnant with my first child. I wanted to prepare my body in the best way possible so I was very happy to meet Raquel who could give me pregnancy yoga lessons. What I loved about this lessons is the love and care that was coming from Raquel for the pregnant body and all the knowledge that she has about how the body works and what is best for it in this sacred time. I gained a lot of knowledge to practice the yoga in my daily life as a routine and I got in touch with what my body needs at any time. But apart from the yoga, the time Raquel spent to talk about issues that came up with being pregnant, it felt much more than just exercising. I felt each time I got more empowered in myself as a woman and it prepared me for the birth I wanted to have. The way Raquel guided was strong and straightforward but at the same time very nurturing and with a lot of eye for the small details. A year later I still think back to it as a beautiful sacred time to honour the pregnant body and to make me very strong to give birth. Thank you so much Raquel! “
Carla Grande
"Por mais verdadeiras e bonitas que possam ser as palavras usadas, nunca serão suficientes para representar a minha admiração pela pessoa que representas. O saber que procuras, a simplicidade com que o fazes e a força que aplicas em tudo que te propões realizar conquistaram o meu respeito e admiração. Cada vitória que alcanças ou obstáculo que superas são um orgulho para mim. Obrigada por fazeres parte da minha vida e pela amizade dedicada".
Teresa Leite
Pós Mágicos e Vida Em Transição
"O desodorizante que uso feito pela Raquel Perdigão do Awakened Body é fantástico. Já o uso há cerca de 2 anos. Comecei por procurar uma alternativa mais saudável que fosse eficaz pois sei que muitos produtos ditos caseiros podem não resultar e quando usei este fiquei super surpresa. Para além de cheirar muito bem é leve, fácil de aplicar e super absorvente. Passo o dia super fresca sem maus cheiros e mesmo que faça trabalho físico mais forte, o efeito não passa facilmente. A roupa não fica manchada e a minha pele não fica irritada como acontecia com alguns produtos de supermercado. Outro pormenor que me agrada é que a Raquel vai actualizando os produtos e cada nova versão é ainda melhor do que a anterior.."
"Dear Raquel, here'sa few sentences that come up when I try to put in words what I've learned and experienced...
- I dropped deeper into my own nature;
- I no longer just believe, but know that we can communicate with all of Nature. And I understand that this is only logical, as we are the same consciousness as everything around us!
- Raquel's immense knowledge ofand deep connection to nature are inspiring and she is sharing them with clarity and humility.
- The combination of meditating and being in and with Nature is very valuable."
Katja Schläfli
"Nature Immersion Intensive:
I really loved this course. My understanding of what it means to communicate with nature, to be with nature dropped much deeper into my heart. I understood that communication is always happening I just need to make myself available. Meditation was the core of the retreat. Raquel taught us to communicate out of this silence we all experienced in meditation. My way of being in nature defentively changed since this retreat. I feel much more connected and in tune. ( :
I loved how Raquel guided us through this retreat. We did a lot of activities and had a lot of opportunities to explore the different ways of being in and communicating with nature. It was so much fun.
Sun cream:
Raquel made a facial sun cream for me according to my skin needs a few weeks back.
Im very happy with this cream. I think it is the best cream I' ve ever had.
The texture is soft and smooth. There are a lot of different oils in it, all organic.
The sun protection is working well.
It smells very good, and my skin does love it. It feels like a very nurturing cream for all the senses."